BNET Successfully Concludes Its Innovation Competition for Employees

Bahrain Network (BNET), successfully concluded its innovation competition “BNET Innovates”. The competition lasted for four months, during which more than thirty employees competed to submit their ideas and proposals to develop work in the company through the categories of technology, customer service, operations, and employee services.

During the competition period, the participants were shortlisted by a jury to eight teams. All qualifying teams were then provided with training by attending workshops on innovation presented by a group of international experts, including from the University of Oxford and some prestigious international consulting firms, in addition to providing the necessary training in planning, presentation, public speaking, and business proposal design skills.

On this occasion, Mr. Ahmed Alfadhel, The Director of Strategy & Corporate Performance, commented “the company aimed to develop a spirit of creativity and innovation among employees, ensuring that they are encouraged to participate in developing work in the company, opening new horizons, and contributing to re-directing the company’s compass to elevate its national services in the Kingdom. He also stated that the organization is in the midst of creating a long-term framework to foster innovation and the submission of constructive ideas.”

It is worth noting that the qualifying teams presented their final presentations at a closing ceremony under the patronage of the company’s CEO, Mr. Ahmed bin Jaber Aldoseri. The jury selected the first and second winning teams, while the third place was voted on directly by the company’s employees. At the current stages, the company is interested in taking the winning projects in the innovation competition and developing the implementation plans and budgets to translate them into reality.

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