Entrepreneurship-themed reality television show and the region’s 1st private-public investment platform ‘Beban,’ produced by Hope Ventures, the investment arm of Hope Fund, aired the sixth episode of its third season last week on February 7th, 2024, on the region’s first and biggest video-on-demand platform ‘Shahid’ for free, Bahrain TV, SBC Channel, AlRai TV, and Oman TV, and on Abu Dhabi TV on Saturday, February 10th.
During the sixth episode, four businesses pitched in front of the panel of regional investors, which consisted of Egyptian investor Mohamed Aboelnaga “Nagaty,” who is also the Co-Founder and CEO of Exits, Omani serial entrepreneur and angel investor Yasser Albarami who is the Co-Founder and CEO of Mubbadarah Investments, and Saudi Co-founder and Chairman of Riyadh Angels Investors Abdullah Alaraj.
Out of the four businesses pitching on the episode, three succeeded in fundraising a total of USD 547k from the panel of regional investors. UAE-based ‘Drop It’ founded by Obaid Alshowaihi, raised USD 200k from Omani investor Yasser Albarami and Egyptian investor Mohamed ‘Nagaty’ Aboelnaga, while Bahrain-based Right Calories, founded by Abdullah Sulaibeekh, fundraised USD 265k from Hope Ventures, and Motolines, represented by one of its co-founders Ahmed Ashoor, bagged USD 82k, also from Hope Ventures.
It is noteworthy to mention that Beban TV show is the region’s 1st private-public investment platform through its formed partnerships with Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development (UAE), the SME Development Authority (Oman), GFH Capital (KSA), Zain Kuwait and Sabah Al Ahmad Center for Giftedness and Creativity (Kuwait), and the Labour Fund Tamkeen (Bahrain).
Beban season 3 was filmed in the Middle East’s newest exhibition and convention centre, Exhibition World Bahrain (EWB), and showcases 41 businesses from across the MENA region as they pitch in front of a panel of regional, reputable investors for equity investment and strategic business development opportunities that can accelerate the growth of these businesses into new markets.
A new episode of Beban will air every Wednesday of this month. You can watch the next episode airing on February 14th, 2024, on Bahrain TV at 6 PM (+3GMT), Oman TV Cultural at 9:10 PM (+3GMT), AlRai TV at 9:30 PM (+3GMT), SBC Channel at 10 PM (+3GMT), Saturday at 5:30 PM (+3GMT) on Abu Dhabi TV, or anytime on Shahid.