Smile Wins 2024 League of Arab States Award for Best Child and Family Institution

His Excellency Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al Asfoor, Minister of Social Development and Chairman of the National Commission for Childhood recognized the “Smile” initiative, which is affiliated with the Bahrain Future Society for Youth. The initiative focuses on providing psychosocial support to children with cancer and their parents in Bahrain.

The recognition was in celebration of winning the League of Arab States Award for Child- and Family-Friendly Institutions for the year 2024, during the sixth meeting of the National Committee for Childhood. The award was accepted by Mr. Sabah Al-Zayani, Chairman of the Future Society for Youth.

The League of Arab States presents this award annually at the Arab level to encourage institutions dedicated to family issues in the Arab region. The award aims to raise awareness of the family’s role and promote children’s rights by fostering a culture of respect and ensuring that children’s rights are upheld under all circumstances as inherent rights.

Mr. Sabah Al-Zayani commented, “This achievement is a testament to our commitment at ‘Smile’ to achieve the highest standards of efficiency and quality in our work and the services we provide to children with cancer and their families. Our efforts contribute to promoting humanitarian and volunteer work in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Arab region as a whole. It also reflects our dedication to international and regional charters and conventions related to children’s rights and family protection, creating an environment that positively impacts the advancement of children’s and family conditions.”

Mr. Al-Zayani praised the role of the National Commission for Childhood in providing the necessary support and guidance to civil society institutions to promote childhood and family issues, and emphasized the importance of achieving more gains and ensuring the rights of children, so they can live safe and fulfilling lives.  

Mr. Al-Zayani also highlighted the support for ideas, projects, and programs aimed at enhancing family safety for children, and pointed out that Bahrain is among the leading countries in promoting children’s rights, with childhood projects witnessing significant quantitative and qualitative advancements, thanks to the continuous attention and support from the esteemed Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the relevant authorities.

Mr. Al-Zayani noted the determination to continue developing ‘Smile’ services and taking deliberate steps to make the initiative a leader in excellence, efficiency, and innovation within the private and charitable sectors at the Arab and regional levels, and  expressed his aspirations for the initiative to achieve more successes and continue its tireless efforts in enhancing the levels of psychological and social support provided to children with cancer and their parents.

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