Hope Ventures Collaborates with the SME Development Authority to Expand Beban TV Show to Oman

Hope Ventures collaborates with Oman’s SME Development Authority to expand season 3 of Beban, an entrepreneurship-themed reality television show, to the Sultanate of Oman.

Beban is centered around entrepreneurs and business owners as they pitch their businesses before a panel of regional investors for equity investment and business opportunities. The show’s expansion aligns with SME Authority’s mission to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset and support Omani small and medium enterprises to accelerate their business growth and success locally and internationally.

The show aired for two seasons, through which it featured a total of 62 businesses of various sizes and resulted in successful co-investments by the private and public sectors exceeding USD 6 million in GCC-based startups.

This collaboration between SME Development Authority and Beban TV show will contribute to the ease of access of Omani businesses to a diversified pool of investors and strategic partners who will fast-track their businesses’ growth into regional markets. Furthermore, entrepreneurs will also benefit from the intensive training bootcamp they will undergo as part of the Beban journey to develop their businesses in various aspects like expansion planning, financial modeling, and pitching in front of a panel of regional investors on a televised show.

It will also provide Oman-based entrepreneurs with the tools and resources they require to develop their businesses while giving them added regional exposure through the show, all while promoting cross-border knowledge exchange between entrepreneurs of the region. We encourage and invite entrepreneurs based in Oman to apply for Beban season 3 and reap the show’s benefits.

It is noteworthy to mention that entrepreneurs will be selected through an evaluation process comprising five stages, starting with screening businesses for viability based on certain criteria, followed by an evaluation stage led by experts and specialists in the business sector. Candidates will then be nominated to participate in an intensive training bootcamp stage. The final stage will announce the eligible finalists, who will then go on to film the production’s episodes. 

Beban invites Oman-based entrepreneurs to apply for season 3 online through the hopefund.bh/beban by July 6th.

To stay up to date with Beban, make sure you follow the show’s accounts on social media @bebanme.

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